Sunday 25 April 2010


That sums up my feelings towards Execute right now.

Look i'll put it straight up right here, my main job is Paladin, i'm sure most of you realise, in fact, the only reason I leveled Red Mage was to benefit my Paladin (eg Merit Pts, Nyzul Isle) but I also understand that sometimes I will have to come red mage to events.

Now the problem arises when I ALWAYS come red mage (take note Execute) I have made it clear on countless occasions that I absolutely love everything to do with Paladin so much so that I arrive at events with execute on Paladin as a huge hint, today I guess I reached a breaking point as I got told to yet again come red mage to an event, this time Sea.

So you let someone who has gone AWOL for a long time come PLD but I have to go on my least favourite job? They do have RDM too you know, how about Einherjar? I'm not gonna name names here but you've got a PLD there who tries to be a DD. Now if you're gonna come PLD do something useful, get hate on some slept mobs so that when they wake up they go after you and not some squishy mages.

Or even better how about you just turn to me and say exactly how you feel, you think my Paladin sucks fucking elephant scrotum, I am the poorest excuse for a Paladin to have ever existed so you will make sure your good DDs are on Paladin just to keep me off it.

Basically it got to the point today that when I got told to come rdm I just warped out, went /away and watched some TV.

Now that's off my chest...

Move onto better stuff...sort of;

Thursday we were doing Ouryu Cometh, now the moment this was announced I was really looking forward to it, haven't tanked this bad boy in a long time and that time I was still kinda poorly geared and it was my first time, so obviously what happens? Yep couldn't connect to FFXI, worse yet is we ended up wiping to Ouryu, oh well bring on Monday, looking forward to it...cue another internet crash then.

Aristocrats hit another milestone this week, we beat Dynamis - Valkurm! Now back in it's hayday i'm sure AC would have pwned the zone but we have a lot of members who have done few to no Dreamlands so it took some adpating, however we only minorly lost the last Valkurm so it was nice to get it done yesterday.

Also I had a weird revelation during the week, how much I owe to AC and SoV, I joined AC first, when I joined I had only recently started playing FFXI again after a long break, I think I had one gear set and not the best grasp on endgame tanking. During my time in AC I improved as a player and developed Idle and Enmity gear sets.

However I feel I owe most to SoV and especially Dizzmal, he is certianly one of the most helpful people I could have met on FFXI, my PLD wouldn't even be half of what it is today without his and SoVs help. I came into SoV with my Idle and Enmity sets and little sky experience.

I now have my haste gear, all that sky gear (W legs yummy!) when to be honest I could easily have been turned away from SoV when I applied which just makes me even more grateful.

Ah well, had to end the post on a high note I suppose.


  1. You feel about RDM as I do about BLM. It's one thing to be asked to come as different jobs for certain situations but, when you are damn near constantly asked to come as a job that you don't particularly care for, it can get old really quick.

    Especially when that job you really want to come as is your main job and the one you're really trying to develop. Hang in there. Hopefully they'll understand. If not,'ll make the best choice for yourself.

  2. Tidis, Your nose is still in my ass bud. lol j/k. Your skill and gear as Pld has increased exponetially since I first met you. I know alot of people pick on your Pld, but I just wanted to say that you have picked up fast and you are becoming one of the top Plds that SoV has seen.

    Coming as different jobs does suck, even more so when you have a love for your main like you do. (Believe me I know. I come Blm to give other people more Tanking exp.) Just stick in there. I will try to have you on Pld as much as I can.

  3. Yeah I don't mind coming Red Mage with SoV because it's that occasional thing, only reason it's getting up my arse with Execute is because they just seem to be ignoring my Paladin entirely
