Tuesday 20 April 2010

Interesting week

Ok first things first, when you decide to update your blog weekly, write everything down! I'm now having to torture my memory for when stuff actually happened!

Anyway let's start with Saturday a week ago, the setting Einherjar, we're doing a T1 and Seigan has just decided to join the same shell as me, obviously it's all going smoothly since it's a T1 after all then we get to the megaboss, a big ass buffalo so what does Seigan do? Summons Odin! 9999 damage! IT'S OVER 9000!!! Wish I took a screenshot of that...

Anyway, now I bring you to this picture here, it's nothing much really but I and I suspect many others couldn't help but find Sylnome getting trounced by an Aura Pot incredibly funny, after all what are these? EM or Tough? Just remember kids, Aura Pots can and will still kill you!

Also I would like to add that with regards to Dreamlands, those zones aren't easy but I suspect we're getting the hang of it, almost had the Dunes but there was a minor mishap at the end...I won't name names!

Finally I bring you to probably my favourite point of the week! Hell if I remember what day it was but I ended up doing ISNM, ANNM and Splitting Heirs with other members of SoV. ISNM went smoothly...as it should the Puk is a joke and especially for me since I got the only ore! :)

ANNM also went smoothly, this obviously in comparison to a time I remember before where we got eaten by all those tigers, I was actually worried that I was being relied on to sleep, ES sleepga = 90secs of sleep compared to ES sleepga II a blm can give but hey ho, we still won and dun dun dun! Shitty drops!.

Last but by no means least, Splitting Heirs! After our previous attempt...5 people and it went horribly, we went in with 6, Neojuggernaut (pld/dnc), Dizzmal (mnk/nin), Allyrose (drg/sam), Alfster (sam/nin), Dierdren (whm/sch), me (rdm/whm). This one went so much better, we kept the pld and mnk minis killed and I slept the blm (magic resistance on a bunch of DDs? BFD!) and just proceed to chip away at the big guys health and he eventually drops! WITCH SASH!

So those who want it to proceed to lot, I roll a 532 or sommin, no way surely? Dizzmal and Alfster proceed to do poor lots and I start getting excited, the only person standing between me and a witch sash is Dierdren...she rolls...520! WINNER! Suddenly i'm so excited and then boom kicked from pt, except I don't realise it for a good 2mins and they're laughing away on vent and i'm perplexed, I proceed to call them douches, yeah they're doing it for a joke but they still are ;)

Anyway Dier trades me the Witch Sash (which kills her inside I think) and I am a happy man again! Unfortunately we then proceed to lose La Vaule at the end of the week much to our surprise and I guess my punishment was to come to sky to "test out" the Witch Sash, you guys suck...

1 comment:

  1. Lmfao I got a good kick out of kicking you too. You were to tired to realize what was going on. But at least untill we get LaVaule back you can have fun "testing" the witch sash. ^^
