Sunday 15 August 2010


So yesterday myself, Jacinda (sorry, just can't get used to calling you Carinde ^^), Dierdren and Dizzmal went to get some revenge on Chukwa.

Our first attempt there didn't work so well, another group were already there killing it but we stuck around, at around 20% they let it go yellow so I hit it with Bio II but unfortunately it didn't claim it and they had it claimed again, same thing happened again at 5%, I hit it with Bio II again, Dizz hit it with Stun but still we couldn't claim it, shame.

However the interesting thing, after they killed it we got called "Vultures", now yes you would get angry if someone stole your claim but the general rule is that yellow is fair game, I know in the past we have avoided claiming NMs that go yellow in sky, even killed NMs for people and given them the drop if they ended up wiping but what about this situation? I certainly had no qualms in trying to steal the NM, would they have done the same if it had been us fighting it? Who knows really.

So anyway, we come back later and there's a rdm there, I question how he really plans to solo him but w/e, Chukwa pops and I claim with Bio so we work him down, I suppose me and Jacinda get bragging rights because we didn't die but i'll point this out, not once did we let the NM go unclaimed, maybe we rock? The other groups kill was certainly very sloppy.

Ah well Seige Bow dropped, I wanted Creed Collar but we can't all be so lucky can we? Grats on your prize Jacinda!

As for Dynamis this week, up for Beaucedine and as we're gathering there our good friends from Vana'dielsFinest start showing, only a few at first but they must have got the "Quick jack their zone" siren because they started appearing out of nowhere. So we just entered with 10, in the end we only had 14 once everyone arrived but I wouldn't have liked VF screwing us over again.

Generally the run went well and we did brilliantly for low numbers, Teusday will be interesting, at the start of the run there's potential that I may be the only sackholder at the start of the run, depends if Negaa and Shammus show up...this could be interesting.

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