Tuesday 18 May 2010

Zone jacked, bad connection and gender faux pas

Interesting enough title? It better be!

Well since I haven't posted a blog since the 6th I had to look through my screenshots to see what interesting stuff i'd done, let's start with this picture:

I took that picture right after casting blizzard on purpose cause I thought it would look cool and...I was right! So you guys may or may not know who that is with me, their names are Xclouds (formerly Xcloud on Hades) and Storrmcloud, strictly though it is just Xclouds dual-boxing, he is a friend, one of the first people I met on Hades when I was still a nublet and that day 8th of May he asked me to help him trio this chap here; Suu Xicu the Cantabile.

Honestly a real fun fight, he basically pulled it to the entrance and tanked it on Xclouds with his Ares's Cuirass (jealous) while he had Storrmcloud keep him buffed and healed and I was on nuking him down. At 50% and 25% he summons 2 helpers, during the first phase me and Storrm both nuked down the helpers and in the second phase we both chainspelled them down, afterwards just smooth sailing, to make it sweeter the Failnaught dropped!

It was good to do something with Xclouds though, we talk a bit now but rarely ever do stuff so it was fun.

In the spirit of getting my screenshots out of the way, I present to you my next picture!:

This, ladies and gentlemen is the true, horrific power of the Allied ring, now bear in mind that I actually wanted a few fights to make sure this was the max exp I could get in this area (Mamool Ja staging point merit pt) that's a whopping 637 exp on that mob, now I think I managed to get 6 limit points in that pt through a combination of: Allied ring, Anniversary ring, Emperor band it almost got my PLD merits finished (group 1 done, 7/10 on group 2), then i've got the simple task of meriting enfeebling, elemental, strength and all rdm merits (yes my rdm is completely unmerited).

Finally to move onto the topics in my title which ironically I have no pictures for! So let's start with Dynamis, we were supposed to be doing Dynamis - Xarcabard on Saturday and so far I guess with Cerberus's foolishness to not use the calendar we have gotten lucky with no competition, not that day though. Two shells were there, we had about even numbers so I guess it was a case of who got there members to show first.

Then something happened that annoyed me, Shammus tells everyone to get to Xarcabard and then 10mins later I look at linkshell and I see people in the past, people in completely random areas, this is coming up to the time we're meant to be entering, why are people not already here? Ultimately Vanadiel's finest show their colours again as they did in Sky and take the zone by rushing in with about 10 members, ooh fun! Then we tried to get Beaucedine but an LS was gathered there too so ultimately we did Jeuno, we had fun laughing at Dizzmal for agreeing to a bike ride with his wife so he could "zerg" a zerg of course which never happened...of course when it came to megaboss plenty of people were glad to remind me of the last Jeuno run...

Anyway...next! Bad connection, pretty much speaks for itself, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday my internet connection obviously felt I had abused it as it had a tantrum, it would crash, sometime later spring to life and then a minute or so later would crash again, this problem wasn't so bad on Friday as I have no events then but on Saturday it made me miss Limbus and Einherjar. Einherjar wasn't so much a big deal as it was a T1 and I already have that feather, but I missed Ultima! Now I wouldn't have had enough points to lot anything but it's still a nice experience...boo! Pretty much at the end of Einherjar my connection then played along and sorta decided it would let me attend Dynamis.

Finally I get to the last one, gender faux pas a la Dizzmal. Reimii today joins us on vent for the first time, now for a long time we've assumed Reimii is a girl and today we hear her voice, granted it she didn't sound the most feminine but I told myself "That voice could be a girl's", Dizzmal on the other hand wasn't having any of it and said "For a long time Remii, i've always thought you were a girl" and the response "I am a girl". Cue the hysterical laughter (mostly from me) and Dizzmal probably was in the process of digging himself a hole right there.

Ah well it gave me a good laugh and got me going for KS99, we all /random and the thing I didn't want, to win the right to go first...no one wants to go first in BCNM/KSNM's just by instinct, you normally start doing BCNMs in a shout group so if anyone is sub-par then the first guy's orb is gonna go to waste while the rest can pull out, now SoV is a great shell but nothing can dispel this fear!

Anyway the fight went smoothly and I got it! Dragon Heart and Siren Hair...woohoo, most went smoothly but in pure SoV we had to fail an orb I guess, dunno why but we get one unfortunately and today was Koroki, dunno what happened really, my only assumption is the whms may have dropped the ball, unfortunately we rely on Dizzmal when it's up in the air as he has the fire resist set so when he's dying, no whms rushing into cure him something has to be up, I was just about to get up and run in, I was hesitant, no idea why and I probably should take some blame for it too.

So down Dizzmal went so I run in and try to gain control of the situation, I got hate on the Wyrm and the whms did their job to keep me alive but then he landed and I don't know what happened, he must not have had any form of slow on as he was attacking rapidly so I was struggling to get shadows up but I had no outside cures coming in either, like people had shut off when he landed, danger over now he's on the ground? So I went for Invincible but i'd left it too late and wasn't quick enough, I was dead too.

So we try to recover, Dizzmal attempts to tank it weakened, tells me to sit out and recover but it doesn't work and the final nail in the coffin was people panicking when they grabbed hate and running, there's a reason you stand on the feet and if they weren't aware of spike flail's destructive power then they are now.

At the end of it though Koroki got a Wyrm Beard off Nega's run so I suppose he's somewhat appeased, despite losing 99 Kindred Seal's, he got an item worth 2m.

So I think that's everything in the 12 days since the last blog so...peace out!

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