Wednesday 9 June 2010


Stupid title I know but the question here is, why do I make a blog? I found out this year when I was meant to make a blog for my course at University that I don't bring myself to update it and when I made a blog for my FFXI exploits did I think it would be different? Maybe but now almost a month without and update shows I may have been wrong!

I can't argue nothing has happened, Dierdren left AC and SoV for Excellence hence why i'm now doing ENM with Allyrose and Dizzmal (sorry i've cursed the drops btw). We've also had horrible Kirin's in SoV, shortly followed by an awesome Kirin zerg and then we've done interesting stuff like DM and a few of us broke off and did Celestial Nexus after.

Well that's my musings done for so I will now ask another question, is it alright for games to make you cry? (or almost in my case). I'm talking about Red Dead Redemption, since the game has only been out for a short time I won't get into details but anyone who has completed the game will know what i'm on about, people cry at movies so why not video games?

We get attached to the characters so for tragic things to happen to them surely must hit some nerve in your body? FF fans must know this through events such as Aeris's death in FF7 and Tidus disappearing at the end of FFX.

It seems sad in a way but the last time I remember a game to do that to me was Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, where at the end one of the main characters Xion sacrifices herself to save the protagonist Roxas all with her theme song in the background which is incredibly depressing.

Which got me to thinking, why don't I cry? I always feels my eyes water up at times but then nothing, do I hold it back? I didn't even break down at my Grandad's funeral and he was perhaps one of my most loved family members, the last time I remember I properly cried was the last time I really lost my temper which I haven't done since school, it takes a lot to push me but it usually ends up with me beating the crap out of someone, then when I stop I usually just started crying, it confused the shit out of me.

Ah well sharing time over, I bet you all enjoyed that!